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【Camera customization】 How to identify the camera manufacturer

2022-11-15 15:13:22

Camera is a very common device. When purchasing, people will pay attention to the camera brand, and some people will also pay attention to whether the camera manufacturer directly delivered the camera. How to identify the camera manufacturer

Now, many people really say they are manufacturers. It was found that the company was not as old as others" babies. No matter how good your boast is, I will not believe it, because there is a technical threshold for making cameras. It is not possible to make a qualified and satisfactory product overnight. I interviewed the boss of Tomorrow Industry, who specializes in developing video conference cameras, and asked them how long it would take for a brand new camera to go from idea to real object. He said that it would take at least one year, and that this time would also require all items to pass once, because it involves early design, scheme modification, mold opening, patch, assembly, testing, experiment, sending out user experience to put forward modification suggestions, and then mold modification and program bug modification, This shows how high the technical threshold is. A company without any R&D strength can't do it. It can't be a good manufacturer, let alone a good product, to simply assemble, buy a male model or have no independent R&D core technology.
Well, the above is about how to identify the camera manufacturer, and I hope it will be helpful to you. In this little story, I want to tell you that Xinhao Electronics is a real camera manufacturer. We welcome you to come to the scene, and we can provide you with 30-12 million pixel camera heads, including live cameras, conference cameras, drive free cameras, computer cameras, conference cameras, etc, At the same time, it can also provide customized production services for camera modules. Camera production hotline: 15817308818
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